Friday, May 24, 2013

Western Ghats, India

Western Ghats

Mountain range of the Western Ghats, a global biodiversity hotspot, in the north of the river Tapti southern tip of India along the west coast of India.

They are positioned so rich in biodiversity, biogeography unique Western Ghats - a veritable treasure trove of biodiversity. Although covering an area of ​​180,000 square kilometers, 6% of India's land area, just under that contains more than 30 percent of all plants, fish, cranes, animals, birds and mammal species found in India's Western Ghats. Many species are endemic, such as Nilgiri tahr (Hemitragus hylocrius) and lion-tailed macaque (Macaca Silenus), in fact, India's amphibians and 50%, 67% of fish are endemic to the area .
The area has a spectacular combination of large mammals - about 30% of the world's Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) population and 17% of the world's existing tiger (Panthera tigris) call this area their home. Through a number of important national wildlife sanctuaries, tiger reserves, national parks protect these extensions.

Western Ghats, including a diversity of ecosystems, from tropical wet evergreen forest mountain grassland, containing a variety of medicinal plants and important genetic resources, such as wild relatives of cereals, fruits and spices. They also include a unique ecosystem consisting of Saura mountain grasslands dotted with evergreen broadleaf forest patches.

Western Ghats perform important hydrological and watershed functions. Approximately 245 million people live in the Indian peninsula receives originated most of the Western Ghats water. Thus, the region's soil and water to maintain the livelihoods of millions. With the Indo-Malayan region may be an exception, no other biodiversity hotspots affect the lives of such a large population.

Historically, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) India has been considerable in the region a strong presence. From the MacArthur Foundation and the Ford Foundation's support through the protection of biodiversity "hotspots" program (1993-2005), since the early 1990s, the organization has been actively involved in the Western Ghats region. The current focus of the work has been to identify and map important wildlife corridors, human-elephant conflict mitigation, strengthening protected area management, and promote sustainable livelihoods and assess the status of key species like tigers and Nilgiri tahr development and protection outside protected areas policies. State and local government agencies, civil society organizations and community groups in the region have developed a strong relationship and partnership.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Agra fort, Delhi, India

Agra fort

Agra Fort is located in Agra, India, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Fort also known as Lal its pull, Fort Rouge and Red Fort of Agra. This is its more famous sister monument, the Taj Mahal approximately 2.5 kilometers northwest. Fort can be more accurately described as a walled palatial city.
Akbar built of red sandstone Agra Fort, when he was through with his consolidation of power, the power to join in 1654, Agra Fort worked as a military strategic point of view as well as the royal residence.
. Ever since Babur defeated and killed Ibrahin Lodi in Panipat in 1526, Agra played an important center of Mughal Empire, it is in a ruined condition, Akbar decided to make his capital, and Akbar arrived in Agra in 1558 has been rebuilt with red sandstone. Architects laid the foundation and built a brick, the outer surface of the inner core with sandstone. Some 1,444,000 builders worked for eight years, was completed in 1573.
At the end of his life, his son, Aurangzeb, in the fort, might not seem so harsh punishment, considering the luxury fortress, Shah Jahan was imprisoned. Is rumored, Shah Jahan died in an excellent view of the Taj Mahal's marble balcony, Burj Dubai tower Muasamman.
Fort contains splendid palaces both in red sandstone and white marble built two generations of prolific builders Akbar Jehangir and Shah Jahan. Nearly 500 Akbari buildings built in the Bengal and Gujarat tradition only a few people survived, arrayed in a band in the river.
Some fine structure, it is worth mentioning:

Sheesh Mahal - literally "Glass Palace", which is made up of tiny mirror-like glass mosaics on the walls of the royal dressing room.

Zhiyuan-I-am - This is a public communications between ground and nobility, once housed the Peacock seat.

Diwan-I-Haas - private audience hall, which is used to welcome kings and dignitaries.

Anguri Bagh - this house 85 m2, geometric arrangement of lush gardens.

Cass Taj Mahal - a perfect white marble palace.

Mina Mosque - literally means "day mosque, it is a small mosque open to the public.

Nagina Mosque - literally means "precious stone mosque, its purpose is specifically for the ladies.

Musamman sailing - with a balcony facing the Taj Mahal, a large, octagonal tower.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Manhattanhenge, Manhattan, New York


Twice a year, in the sunset is perfectly aligned with the Manhattan street grid, nicknamed "Manhattanhenge" create a spectacular sunset." John and I Makely create time-lapse recording of the occasion in Manhattan on Wednesday night.

Manhattanhenge attracted hordes of photographers, we know we have Tudor City Bridge early in the day to mark our position. A lot of people like the location, but there is enough space, several photographers standing near the coveted position. Early in the afternoon, we have the perfect spot, although the sun seems to stand still in the middle of the sky, the sun seems to be a very long way to go. The afternoon passed, and the emergence of many photographers, still hours before the actual event to compete for the position. We wait until the buildings block the harsh afternoon sun to unlock our gear, worried that the heat may be damaged. Crowd and excitement kept building throughout the night, until suddenly, low, red sun came out from behind directly above, we believe that the building of 42nd Street. The scene was breathtaking, and quickly trigger the camera shutter sound almost overcome the usual sound of traffic. In just a few short minutes, the sun dipped below the horizon, the end of the whole event.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Taum sauk hydroelectric power station, USA

Taum sauk hydroelectric power station

Hydropower station is usually located near water, or in the source itself, such as a dam on the river. But from the TAUM Sauk hydropower stations over 80 kilometers from the nearest water source - the Mississippi River. St. Francois mountains of Missouri Ozarks, about 140 km south of Lesterville, St. Louis, Missouri, near the top, built-in TAUM Sauk hydropower is a pure pumped storage hydropower station, is designed to help meet peak power demand during the day. Through the turbines during the high demand for electricity, the water is stored in a kidney-shaped water Kupuluofei the top of the mountain is released to a lower reservoir, two kilometers away, the east fork of Heihe. In the evening, when demand for electricity is low, excess electricity on the grid used to pump water to the top of the hill. In essence, the power plant is like a huge battery until it needs to store excess energy.

Although pumped storage hydropower stations around the world and Sauk TAUM plant is worth noting is that it is a pure pumped back into operation - there is no the natural mainstream power generation, unlike most other pumped storage site. It is the largest such project, when it is established.

Sauk TAUM construction of the plant began in 1960 and became operational in 1963. Two reversible pump-turbine units capable of producing 175 megawatts of electricity. They upgraded units in 1999 to 225 MW each. In 2005, the factory had to close the upstream reservoir, suffered a catastrophic failure of the release of 40,000 cubic meters of water in 12 minutes to send a 20-foot peak down Heihe water. The water flood roared Sauk State Park TAUM swept away the park manager's home and his three small children seriously injured.

The plant to return to service after a gap of four years. Reconstruction of the upper reservoir is now considered a milestone in the project, is North America's largest roller compacted concrete dam. 5 backup system in order to prevent another disaster, and nine cameras dotted around the reservoir facilities stationed around-the-clock staff 24-hour surveillance.

Before the failure, the the upper reservoir tourists usually can drive Plouffe the top of the mountain, at the top of the reservoir, take the ramp, viewing platform. The gate also has a prominent Missouri Museum of Natural History. Power plants geology students, because frequented Precambrian / Cambrian unconformity rock layer of the construction of the plant exposed to a prominent example.

Where the Caribbean meets the Atlantic in Eleuthera, Bahamas, North America


If you want your vacation from the typical resort professional features, then Eleuthera is waiting for you. Nevertheless, to know in advance that it is not suitable for everyone. If you're looking for a party, and then Sierra is not the place you should go.

If you want to spend your time is enjoyable and fun, in an incredibly exotic area in the pleasant, slow-paced environment, they can be the perfect spot.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mont - Louis Solar Furnace, France

  • Mont - Louis Solar Furnace

Solar furnace in mont louis (d SOLAIRE), built in 1949 by Professor Felix Trombe, is the first solar furnace in the world, a huge building, 1420 mirror.

Double reflection solar furnace has been in the past 50 years has been in steady development, and in 1993 took over the development of the company's solar furnace "With the ongoing scientific research, they first use solar industry and manufacturing products, such as ceramic firing furnace, and bronze and ALLUMINIUM products first commercial object manufacturing whistle small train JAUNE pottery and bronze manufacture 4 SOLAIRE, can be purchased at the souvenir shop.
More than 30,000 visitors annually fascinated by the solar furnace in Mont-Louis.

Experiments and demonstrations of the program is a part of the boot access, e.g., the concentration of the solar rays is between 2000 to 2007, to produce a temperature ℃ and 3500 ℃ molten metal, wood, and ceramic cooking ignition.

Venice, Italy


According to a latest census in 2004, the capital of Venice, the Veneto region, has a population of 270,000 and then. It is located in the northeast of Italy's many small islands belonging to the Venice lagoon.

It is often called the "City of Bridges", stretches along the mouth of the Po river Piave.
A about about 62,000270,000 176,000 residents live in the historic city center or the city of Venice, the lagoon which is the mainland or Tamrac behind like Mestre and Marghera position, all people living in the entire island lagoon (about 100 Venice surrounding islands).

Also known as magnetic point couple, lovers, artists and poets, Venice is a magical city, across many small islands. It is often Gondole Hotel ", which is the use of means of transportation across the numerous canals through the city and the city.

Thanks to this causeway, you can park your car at the entrance to the city, from that point you can reach the historic city center foot or boat. But there is another type of boat, on behalf of the symbol of Venice, "water bus", also called a water bus or taxi. Like any motor land buses, water bus, line select / delete your different points in the city.

Venice Another important feature is the production of glass Murano, turned the city into one of the largest manufacturers in the European glassmaker activities, they use a unique high-quality materials and traditional craft is unmatched.